George Ringler & Company
Artist: Not Given
Lithographer: C.W. Girsch, NYC
Copyright Date: 1898
Size: 16" x 23-1/2"
With emotions running high because of the Spanish-American War, George Ringler obviously decided that beer and patriotism made for a good combination. And indeed they do in this delightful 1899 poster. As stated on the poster, Ringler founded his brewery in 1872. Its locataion was from East Ninetieth to East Ninety-second Street in New York City, in the very heart of Manhattan's once flourishing brewery district. Immediate neighbors included such lager beer giants as Jacob Ruppert and George Ehret. George Ringler and Company survived the first few years of Prohibition by making near beer, but this proved to be a short-lived success, and the brewery ceased operations in the early 1920s.
--Will Anderson, The Beer Poster Book, 1976.